Sunday, September 27, 2009

The B-Factor reciprocates

Back when I raced for Gears Racing, off of Mississauga, a series of events served as the prognosis for a unique condition my cyclist colleagues named «The B-Factor». If I am not mistaken, such a chronicle is still available for the francophone audience here. Please avoid judging my literal style as I was a virgin back then. Who is reading this anyway!

De retour à nos moutons.

After a few days of high turbulence, my journey began at 1PM aboard the TDI Mobile of a friend whom had inherited of the responsibility to escort me to YUL airport. Toronto was then destination two where I boarded a connection to Warsaw at 10PM. To my surprise, a svelte Finnish brunette was awaiting her comrade, a Quebec dude with messy hair. Hanna, an 18 year old retired model, discussed with me her experience in the fashion industry and we shared a few glasses of 0.45€ wine in a plastic cup. Only 8.5 hours later did we reach Poland, where a pending correspondence to Hamburg was located. The time was then 1PM in Warsaw.

Nothing relevant occurred on my way to Hamburg except for me buying US dollars and not even realizing I had done so since I had first intended on buying Euro, indeed. Well, that’s me. Again nothing surprising there.

In order to reach my final destination, the train (Bahn) was necessary but easily accessible from the airport (flughafen). Funny enough, the time had returned to 10PM. Aboard my wagon, I exited in Bremen and then transferred towards Oldenburg. Due to the lateness of the night, the bus I intended to hop on was unavailable and I caught a cab, reaching my dorm (Haus). As you may expect, I grabbed my Euro money which I had withdrew earlier and handed it to the driver.

His reaction to my payment suggested that somewhere in the process, something had gone wrong. Oh, right, that stinky money smells like US dollars! Oh wait, that’s because it is US dollars! Live and learn. He ended up accepting the money and I accessed my residence.

The place is clean and sufficiently large, the building is configured in such a way that there is an interior court in which a student bar is located. I don’t one can think or hope living this close to a bar. But again, I’m in germany!

So this is it, for now.

PS. I might update this post when I retrieve a picture from my new Finnish friend Hanna!

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